East end of Milford Millpond on Black River
Milford, Ontario, Canada
Millpond empties at this end over the damn into the Black River where it begins it's journey into Lake Ontario many KM away to the south and east of here.

- Group: County Sustainability Group
- Lat: 43.9357156
- Lng: -77.090528
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosSince May 1st we have had approx 135 mm of rainfall in Milford and this has been causing some localized flooding across PEC, especially along the shores of Lake Ontario. Many farm fields are water laden. Water levels all high in all locales. Rapidly moving water flows over the nearby dam and in area of testing in river. Light drizzle, cloudy and calm winds today. Only wildlife observed was a swan on the milpond beyond bridge. Pop cans and plastic bottles discarded along rivers edge picked up to recycle. Suprised to see any of the foamy matter today with such strong flows, but there was one patch of it caught up in the branches near our test area.
Sunny & calm day. No rain in past 24 hours. Water flowing steadliy over nearby dam. No sign of fish today as there was 2 weeks ago. Foamy beige scum bubbling where trapped along rocks and fallen tree. ( See photos ) Picked up some pop cans and recycled them.
Foot long sucker swam by within reach of us as we measured. 2 fishermen walking by reported catching rainbow trout and suckers nearby. Water flowing strongly over damn to the left of our test site. Retrieved a shoe and plastic bottles from water for proper disposal.