East end of Milford Millpond on Black River
Milford, Ontario, Canada
Millpond empties at this end over the damn into the Black River where it begins it's journey into Lake Ontario many KM away to the south and east of here.

- Group: County Sustainability Group
- Lat: 43.9357156
- Lng: -77.090528
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosJust under 6 mm rainfall past 24 hours. Sunny and calm winds today. Barely a trickle of water flowing over the dam from Millpond into the river now. Still some flow to the river though. Some birds heard but not seen....waterbugs on surface. Lots of white pollen floating in the air and on the ground & water.
No rain in past 24 hours. Sunny, warm and mild winds. Water running over dam but not very heavily. Water in river has bit of a stagnant smell and green algae bloom forming along the bottom. Lots of waterbugs on the surface , blackflies and songbirds about in the trees. Some plastic bottles, styrofoam and a tarp along the shoreline but I just had my bike so couldn’t bring them home to recycle...will get another time.
Ice off on river where we test but still on Millpond above the dam. 7 mm rainfall over past 24 hours. Overcast and mild with little wind. River flowing strongly over the dam. Spoke with fly fisherman who was there checking to see if the suckers have begun their run yet....none. They do usually come up river this far each spring but not here yet. Picked up several beer cans and plastic bags to recycle. Single robin seen nearby.
Water flowing freely and strongly over the dam and the river is open and free of any ice, although the Millpond is still mostly ice covered.
No rainfall past 24 hours...overcast and calm winds. Water flowing nicely over the dam now and along the riverbed considering how bone dry it had been this summer. Still small amt of white foamy scum accumulated on the rocks . Massive flocks of migrating geese flew over us while walking from west end to east end of Millpond and many of them stopped to land on the water for a rest before carrying on south. We notice every winter that passes more of them stay over here all winter with weather being so mild now....we are the new south for some creatures due to climate change.
Sunny with mild winds. Finally got 20 mm rainfall over the past week after over a month long drought. Dam completely dried up with minimal water in the river. Had to walk out into the middle of the rocks to get a reading as barely anything along shore edge. Green algae bloom on rocks and in water. Many red dragonflies and waterbugs here and large flocks of geese overhead coming and going from the Millpond.
Sunny day with some clouds and mild winds. No rainfall for many days. No water flowing over the dam at all. Rocks and dam covered with slimey green algae. Can hear some geese on Millpond nearby and some birds in the woods. Crickets singing, lots of waterbugs and dragonflies. Water level very low now so walked out onto rocks in middle of creek for first time this year for testing.
Overcast with partial sunshine breaking through....calm winds. Some white foamy scum accumulated on the rocks on water surface and brown slime on bottom rocks. Medium water flow over the dam. Some white moths flying around and logs of small water bugs on the river surface. Very overgrown now on the stepp path down to waters edge so need to be careful walking down there.
Water running quickly over nearby dam after Milford receiving 103 mm of rainfall during past 7 days....lightly raining now. Overgrown getting down to the test site but still passable. Rocks are now showing abover water line making access bit easier.
Sunny day with thin layer of clouds forming. Small birds can be seen and heard. Water flowing quickly over dam nearby. Some white foam formed and hung up on rocks.