East end of Milford Millpond on Black River
Milford, Ontario, Canada
Millpond empties at this end over the damn into the Black River where it begins it's journey into Lake Ontario many KM away to the south and east of here.

- Group: County Sustainability Group
- Lat: 43.9357156
- Lng: -77.090528
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Toronto
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View all photosOvercast and spitting a bit now. Have had lots of rain over past 2 days....43 MM in total. No wildlife seen but can hear songbirds off in the trees. Heavy flow of water over the dam and down the river. Quite a lot of foamy scum collecting along the rocks.
No rain in past 24 hours. Very strong current with much water flowing over the dam. Some scum on surface along rocks. Picked up a few pieces of Styrofoam and recycled them.
No rain in past 24 hrs but have had 54 MM in prior 24 hrs and another 50 Mm in previous few weeks, so there is a good flow of water once again over the dam and down the river. It's been so dry all summer that there has been no water here to test until now. Lots of Canada Geese on the Millpond above the dam. Large dead carp or sucker stuck on the rocks beside where we test.....may have been left there by fisherman?
Will have to wait until we hopefully get some fall rains so there is some water flowing again over the dam from the pond into the river, as this region of PEC has been so dry all summer long.
Sunny and calm muggy day. Barely any rainfall over past few weeks and this is shown by how low the river is and how little water is trickling over the dam from millpond now. Some minnows can be seen in the water, mosquitoes , black flies and water bugs and some birds heard but not seen.
Sunny & calm day with no rain in past 24 hrs. No signs of birds or insects here today and surprisingly, no garbage or cans, etc Hooray :)
Sunny day with just a few clouds and moderate winds. 3 MM of snow overnight has mostly gone now. Plastic water bottles and coffee cup washed up in the foam along shore so took them away for recycling and garbage. Very strong flows of water over the dam and into the river so our test was done from shore....as summer goes along and this area dries up we need to go out along the rocks into mid stream to get enough water to test. Wish it could stay like this forever.
About 4 mm rain & wet snow over past 24 hours. Overcast and calm now.
About 50 MM rainfall in past 48 hours but river is still dry as a bone with no water flowing over the dam at all and just small pools of water sitting along the rocks of our test site. Lots of green algae and rock slime. Some geese can be heard on the millpond above the dam. Picked up & recycled some cans & plastic bottles here.
Only 1 Mm rainfall in past 24 hours, No water at all flowing over the dam for the past month or so and river bed is extremely dry. Had to walk out to middle to find some water to test which is indication of how dry this summer has been here. Lots of green algae and scum on water. Some birds can be heard and a few mosquitoes around.