Beaver Pond Site 5 Westminster Ponds ESA

Beaver Pond Site 5 Westminster Ponds ESA

London, Ontario, Canada

The water here is still, but does trickle out below the dam.
This beaver ponds sits just south of Commissioners Road. Located very close to the intersection with Adelaide Road & Commissioners and a Railroad Track runs very near to this site in a NW - SE direction. The grassy Meadow to east covers a old landfill site. The Hospital Incinerator is just to the West of the Pond and the parking lot for Parkwood Hospital and Westminster Ponds drains into this pond. In the winter snow cover is pushed over toward a creek that drains directly into these Beaver Ponds. We wonder how this wetland area has changed in relation to the growing size of the hospital. Has the topography been altered influencing the amount of water draining from this site in this direction? Does winter snow removal from the parking lots influence the amount and quality of this water?

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Observations summary

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Amphibian What's this?
Phragmites What's this?

Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
11.5 Latest
21.5 Average
Water temperature °C
9.8 Latest
17.6 Average
Alkalinity mg/L
240 Latest
243 Average
Hardness mg/L
170 Latest
253 Average
Dissolved oxygen mg/L
10.0 Latest
8.7 Average
Conductivity μS/cm
63 Latest
461 Average
Secchi depth m
0.1 Latest
0.0 Average
Water depth m
0.2 Latest
0.2 Average
pH (0-14)
7.7 Latest
8.3 Average
Chlorine ppm
0.2 Latest
0.2 Average