Ottawa River
Quebec, Canada
Bristol, Quebec. South of Flag Island. Not part of main channel. Usually slower moving water. Rocky shoreline and shallow rocky areas around Flag Island. It is possible to navigate close to and around the two islands with a kayak. (Coordinates - N 45 31 17.25; W 76 28 26.53)
- Group: Ottawa Riverkeeper : Riverwatch
- Lat: 45.5216387
- Lng: -76.473577
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosGPS reading: N45.51958; W076.47330
Investigators: Jennifer Haughton, Deborah Powell
Weather in past 24 hrs - clear/partly cloudy
Weather now - clear/partly cloudy (lots of fog early this morning at 8:00am, fog lifted around 9:30am)
Human activity - none
Species observed:
Several large flocks of Canada Geese (estimate 536)
Large flock of blue jays (estimate 20)
2 Crows
1 Raven
1 Belted Kingfisher
2 map turtles
Date: August 29, 2016
Investigators - Deborah Powell, Virginia MacLatchy, Jennifer Haughton
GPS Coordinates: N45.5270, W076.47402
Weather (past 24 hours) - showers
Weather now - clear/partly cloudy, windy (approx. 15km/h), and some moderate waves
Human activity: 1 other recreational boat
Biological Activity: Osprey, Kingfisher, gull, blue jay, 2 map turtles (on log at the shoreline)
Investigators: Deb Powell, Virginia MacLatchy, Peter Haughton, Jennifer Haughton
Water Quality Testing (July 30/16). Location (N 45' 31' 17.5, W 076' 28' 23.6).
Weather in past 24 hours - clear/partly cloudy
Weather now - clear/partly cloudy
Calm - winds less than 5 km/h
Human activity - very quiet at 9am but lots of activity later in the afternoon (on July 30), power boats, fishing, and swimming
Found dead fish floating in water later in the afternoon near shoreline (smaller fish maybe a small bass).
Clear/Partly Cloudy over past 24 hours. Currently very sunny out (hardly any clouds), and very calm (no wind or waves). Very small amount of pollen still on surface of water in some areas. No other boats out on the water this morning.
Saw a spotted sandpiper, common grackle, and two map turtles.
Also completed one of the microplastics test during our testing.
Investigators: Deb Powell, Jennifer and Peter Haughton
pH was measured using strip that expired January 2016.
Clear/Partly cloudy in last 24 hours. Currently clear/partly cloudy (sunny and hot with little/no wind).
Some recreational boating observed.
Wildlife included map turtles, snake, great-crested flycatcher.