Ottawa River
Quebec, Canada
Bristol, Quebec. South of Flag Island. Not part of main channel. Usually slower moving water. Rocky shoreline and shallow rocky areas around Flag Island. It is possible to navigate close to and around the two islands with a kayak. (Coordinates - N 45 31 17.25; W 76 28 26.53)
- Group: Ottawa Riverkeeper : Riverwatch
- Lat: 45.5216387
- Lng: -76.473577
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosInvestigators: Peter Haughton. Jennifer Haughton, Deborah Powell, Virginia MacLatchy
Longitude/Latitude: 45.52185, -76.47285
Weather in past 24 hours: clear/partly cloudy
Weather now: clear/partly cloudy (wind: 5-10 km/hr)
Wildlife Observations: 9 Canada geese, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Turkey Vulture
Some recreational boating
Investigators: Deborah, Jennifer, Virginia, Maureen
Weather in past 24 hours: showers (8.4mm rain in Ottawa - Env. Canada website)
Weather now: clear/partly cloudy, wind less than 5km/hr
Wildlife: Great blue heron
YSI readings at surface:
Water temperature: 24.3 'C
Conductivity: 52 uS/cm
Dissolved O2: 88.2%, 7.4 mg/L
pH: 6.8
June 24, 2018, 9:15am
Coordinates (45.52171, -76.47369)
Investigators - Peter Haughton, Jennifer Haughton, Virginia MacLatchy
Weather in past 24 hours - overcast with occasional light rain
Weather now - clear/partly cloudy, light wind
Wildlife observations - Mallard, Song Sparrow, 2 Great blue herons (flying near Webb's Bay)
Very quiet in terms of activity on the river (no other boats)
May 26, 2018 (9:30am)
Downstream of Flag Island (N45.52114, W076.47019)
Deborah Powell, and Jennifer Haughton
Weather in past 24 hours: rain
Current weather: overcast (cloud cover - 90%), wind 0-5 km/h
Water levels have continued to decrease over the last week after spring flooding.
Biodiversity observations - Beaver, 9 Canada Geese, 2 Loons, Spotted Sandpiper, 10 map turtles (in Haughton's Bay).
October 27, 2017 (1:00 pm)
Investigators: Peter Haughton, Jennifer Haughton
Coordinates: 45.52128, -76.47298
Weather in past 24hrs: clear/partly cloudy
Current weather: clear/partly cloudy (calm, wind approx. 5km/hr)
Wildlife: Approx. 500 Canada Geese, 1 blue jay
Investigators: Jennifer Haughton, Peter Haughton, Deborah Powell
Latitude: 45.52154; Longitude: -76.47308
Weather in past 24 hours: clear/partly cloudy
Current Weather: clear/partly cloudy (weather has been unseasonably hot recently - this weekend the temperature is expected to break records possibly reaching 30'C)
Human Activity: boating, fishing and swimming
Wildlife: Appears to be the start of major Canada Geese migration (counted 500+ Canada Geese flying overhead and landing in the Ottawa River), 2 ducks (possibly mallards), Belted Kingfisher, Spotted Sandpiper, Osprey, 2 map turtles (in Haughton's Bay).
August water testing (August 25, 2017)
Location: 45.52125, -76.47275
Current weather: sunny
Weather in past 24 hours: sunny, partly cloudy
Wildlife Observed: immature bald eagle, belted kingfisher, double crested cormorant, 1 map turtle
(pH, alkalinity and hardness measured using 6 way test strips)
Also took sample for microplastics
Coordinates: 45.52147; -76.47316
Investigators: Peter Haughton, Jennifer Haughton, Virginia MacLatchy
Weather in past 24 hrs: clear, sunny
Weather now: clear and sunny, very calm (no winds)
Activity: fishing, recreational boating, swimming, many boats going over to Pine Lodge beach (for Sunday Brunch)
Wildlife: Cormorant, Belted Kingfisher, family of 22 Canada Geese
(Lots of boats out yesterday and today with beautiful sunny weather, people swimming, boating, and fishing).
(Alkalinity, Hardness and pH measured using 6 way test strips)
Investigators: Peter Haughton, Jennifer Haughton, Virginia MacLatchy, Deborah Powell.
Had some rain overnight. Currently sunny out with a few clouds and mild wind.
Some wildlife recorded: Crested Flycatcher, 1 map turtle in Haughton's Bay, Double-crested cormorant.
No other activity on the water.
Total Dissolved Solids on Conductivity meter: 30ppm
(Alkalinity, Hardness and pH measured using 6 way test strips)
Riverwatcher (monthly testing)
Weather in past 24 hrs - light rainfall
Current weather - calm, clear/partly cloudy
Human activity - some recreational boating, and swimming (and some seasonal residents up cleaning shorelines/cottages after severe flooding this spring)
Wildlife - map turtles, bald eagle (earlier this morning)