Ottawa River
Quebec, Canada
Bristol, Quebec. South of Flag Island. Not part of main channel. Usually slower moving water. Rocky shoreline and shallow rocky areas around Flag Island. It is possible to navigate close to and around the two islands with a kayak. (Coordinates - N 45 31 17.25; W 76 28 26.53)

- Group: Ottawa Riverkeeper : Riverwatch
- Lat: 45.5216387
- Lng: -76.473577
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosSept 24, 22.
Investigators: Peter, Jennifer, Virginia, Deborah
- water level is up slightly
- Human activity: 1 sailboat, 2 kayaks
- Wildlife: water snake (swimming), garter snake (swimming - never seen garter snake swimming before - see photo)
- Map turtles (in Baie Haughton) counted at least 20 all basking in the sun on the rocks and on the logs (see photo).
- Great blue heron, and a belted kingfisher, and large flock of geese.
Aug 27, 2022
South of Flag Island (Observers: Peter, Jennifer and Deborah)
Human activity: fishing
Wildlife: Spotted sandpiper, Map turtle, Bald Eagle (seen flying above in circles in the distance), Canada Geese
July 31st/22. Observers: Peter, Jennifer, Deborah
Some recreational boating some kayakers, and boat (lots of boat activity yesterday)
Secchi depth (average of 3 people taking measurement).
Wildlife: map turtle, cormorants, song sparrow.
One piece of garbage removed from the river (empty container of worms for fishing).
Observers: J. Haughton. D. Powell. plus two helpers (kids).
Lots of activity on the water yesterday (boats, fisherman, swimmers, recreational boating etc. )
Some wildlife out, some birds, and white admiral (butterfly on beach).
Water testing, May 29/22.
Investigators: Peter, Jennifer Haughton and Deb Powell
South of Flag Island
Water is still higher than normal.
Some recreational boating (kayaking, paddleboarding)
Pollen in the water.
- Wildlife (3 map turtles, small water snake), 80 Canada geese
- Invasive species - Eurasian Water-Milfoil
Investigators: Peter and Jennifer Haughton
Large flock of geese flying over (300)
no other boating activity
A very rainy week (Had record rainfall on Wednesday and more rain on Thursday. )
Investigators: Peter, Jennifer, Deborah, Virginia.
Some development on nearby shoreline (new lot digging foundation for new house).
Wildlife: spotted sandpiper, blue jay, turkey vultures, 7 Canada Geese.
(Note: Heat warning has been in effect for last few days, with temperatures above 30 degrees C)
Jul 23, 2021
Investigators - Peter and Jennifer
one fishing boat out.
Beautiful. Sunny day. Calm.
Investigators: Peter and Jennifer
Lots of recreational boats out this weekend including some fishermen
Bristol. South of Flag Island.
Investigators: Peter and Jennifer Haughton
Notes: lots of pollen in the water.
Several boats out yesterday.
Wildlife - blue heron, song sparrow, map turtles