
Stormwater drain south of 23rd St and west of Chesterfield - WAG-E-07 High Priority

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

location of WAG-E-07 using zoom on web app. West of Chesterfield and south of 23rd St. a storm drain emerges and then joins the west branch of Wagg Creek from the east. Here a white plastic storm pipe of 0.21m inside diameter comes in from the east about 15m east of the creek. Low energy location. Field measured GPS coordinates in NAD83 are -123.0757406, 49.32946420 in Long and Lat, or UTM 494,497E, 5,464,085N . MISMATCH with CNVGIS mapping which has a 915 CONC Storm pipe here.

Location created by
Paul Lhotka
  • Site ID: WAG-E-07
  • Lat: 49.3293594
  • Lng: -123.0755853
  • Waterbody Type: Unknown
  • Timezone: America/Vancouver

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Bucket method used for flow.

Attempt 1: 13@3.57sec
Attempt 2: 13l@3.41sec
Attempt 3: 10l@2.19sec

Flow volume appeared to increase during sampling session.

13 Sep 16:48 by James Watson

Water clear <14 NTU

05 Sep 11:10 by Carolynne Robertson

Turbidity is <14 NTU.
Chlorine is zero.
YSI readings attached in photo and data logged for 2 min in sonde.
Water flow 8L/5.6sec, 10L/6.7sec
Inclination of pipe - 13 degrees

30 Aug 12:24 by Suzanne Earle

Foam observed on water, high energy flow, water is brownish and cloudy.

29 Jul 06:31 by Carolynne Robertson

Water clarity <14 NTU (unable to enter "<" symbol).

14 Jul 19:14 by Carolynne Robertson

A few days in a row of mostly rain. Temporary clearing in the weather. Lots of water exiting the pipe. 100% visibility. Stormwater pool has grown in circumference – seems to have doubled in size from two years ago, so it is being scoured.

28 Dec 16:01 by Carolynne Robertson

steady trickle of water. Water appears clear. Black squirrel, sighted and a couple of pieces of litter. Summer drought.

24 Aug 15:58 by Carolynne Robertson

slight smell of chemicals. Cloudy cool day after a week of high to mid-high temps. No rain for past 10 days. new wetland plants establishing nicely, lots of invasive ground cover, all are providing shade and some water interception.

21 May 13:08 by Carolynne Robertson

Water exiting storm pipe. Greyish silt coating bottom of pool. Conductivity metre reads 7°C water temperature.

22 Jan 10:50 by Carolynne Robertson

Hi turbidity reported by resident just before 12 PM.

26 Dec 13:35 by Carolynne Robertson