
Stormwater drain south of 23rd St and west of Chesterfield - WAG-E-07 High Priority

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

location of WAG-E-07 using zoom on web app. West of Chesterfield and south of 23rd St. a storm drain emerges and then joins the west branch of Wagg Creek from the east. Here a white plastic storm pipe of 0.21m inside diameter comes in from the east about 15m east of the creek. Low energy location. Field measured GPS coordinates in NAD83 are -123.0757406, 49.32946420 in Long and Lat, or UTM 494,497E, 5,464,085N . MISMATCH with CNVGIS mapping which has a 915 CONC Storm pipe here.

Location created by
Paul Lhotka
  • Site ID: WAG-E-07
  • Lat: 49.3293594
  • Lng: -123.0755853
  • Waterbody Type: Unknown
  • Timezone: America/Vancouver

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Side channel moving faster than usual; water is cloudy; white froth pooling by pipe

05 Nov 15:22 by Carolynne Robertson

new sod
water is flowing faster then usual
water is a bit cloudy
frothy bubbles

22 Oct 10:35 by Sarah Beatty

City has cleared out most of the blackberry that used to surround part of the area around the storm pipe.

07 Oct 10:40 by Carolynne Robertson

Water is stagnant. Unpleasant odor like animal feces. Very low water level. Lots of water strider insects.

28 Jul 13:16 by Carolynne Robertson

Small trickle from pipe. The pool is very small (mostly evaporated).

01 Jul 09:15 by Carolynne Robertson

water clear today

29 May 10:10 by Carolynne Robertson

Trees and shrubs grown in: more shade. Water clear.

14 May 11:15 by Carolynne Robertson