Strong River
Mendenhall, Mississippi, United States
The Strong River is a left-bank tributary of the Pearl River in the Middle Pearl watershed. The Strong flows through and supports a popular water recreation area known as D'Lo Water Park. Handheld coordinates are 32.006561, -89.853657. It's very near Fat Pat's Cove, beneath a concrete bridge on Strong River Road. It lies 4-5 miles north of Mendenhall and west of Hwy 13.

- Group: Mississippi State University : Mississippi Water Stewards
- Lat: 31.9890779
- Lng: -89.8688289
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Chicago
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View all photosStrong River : Strong River Bridge
Observed on
Testing site under or at bridge on river not accessible due to very steep, vertical cut, overgrow...
Strong River : Strong River Bridge
Observed on
Only 2 samples were taken, short supplies. E.coli for each sample is 50 per100 ml.
Strong River : Strong River Bridge
Observed on
This is the first water testing at this site. Based on the Beach Action Values established by th...