Bailey Creek
Ontario, Canada
Murky, slow moving-fairly shallow water.
Large drain and municipal drain outfalling into Bailey Creek

- Group: Mini Testkit Recipient : 2020
- Lat: 44.0757864
- Lng: -79.8620333
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
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Clear, mid flow
gravel, small stones on bottom.
2 inc minnows (lots)
broken shells. 3 inch shell
minimal algae on rocks
clear, moderate flow.
Riffle habitat
lots of Yellow-brown "slimy" growth adhering to rocks in stream bed ("a blanket like covering over much of the stream bed")
Bobcat(?) sitting on south side of creek bank in long grass
Shells/mollusk shells in creek
very clear
moderate flow
sediment settled on creek bottom ( from sediment beaches/discharges from Colgan development- September and October 2021). more noticeable on south bank edge (than in centre).
-water quite murkey and brown in colour
-can't see defined features on creek bed at all
-alot of silt/sedimentation on creek bed
-fairly fast moving
water brown in colour and quite turbid
September 21, September 22 ,Bailey Creek extreamly dark and very turbid. Confirmed by NVCA to be a sediment breech from Colgan develment site- upstream from test site. Second sediment breech mid afternoon September 25th.
dragon fly
fast moving, very murkey
swamp milkweed
Water clear, slow moving
lots of weeks, minnows
Dragonflies, butterflies
slow moving
alot of vegetation growing
relatively clear
silt/rock mix
alot of minnows present
dragonflies, bullfrog
Water clear, slow moving in general
quite "silty"
some woody debris
some "plant" growth on bottom
more bank erosion. very silty. moving fairly quickly
two Tundra Swans