Bailey Creek
Ontario, Canada
Murky, slow moving-fairly shallow water.
Large drain and municipal drain outfalling into Bailey Creek
- Group: Mini Testkit Recipient : 2020
- Lat: 44.0757864
- Lng: -79.8620333
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
No photos uploaded.
fast moving, silty along banks, moss on rocks
water was slightly murky. moving faster than previous times.
slow moving
-somewhat murky
-bottom quite silty in parts, small river rocks to the east
-grass and leaf debris floating
-minnows present
-large "clam" shell in creek
- crayfish and minnows
-water murky
-slow moving water
-bottom quite "silty"
-grasses in water
-lots of grasses along banks and goldenrod
-Note: roadway next to property access to creek(unassumed road) has recently(since last month)had "crushed asphalt" layed over gravel road.
- asphalt emitting a strong odour of oil
-slow moving water
. Water murky
. Water slower moving
. Shallow water level
. No rocks in/at site- very sandy bottom and silt
. Some grass and woody debris in water
. Site sample taken just downstream of two large drainpipes(municipal drain)
. Slow drain of water coming out of "north" drain pipe
. car tire in water at creek bed on north side
. Surrounding land vegetation: grasses and deiciduous trees
. High banks- noticeable bank erosion
. No signs of aquatic life