Bailey Creek
Ontario, Canada
Murky, slow moving-fairly shallow water.
Large drain and municipal drain outfalling into Bailey Creek

- Group: Mini Testkit Recipient : 2020
- Lat: 44.0757864
- Lng: -79.8620333
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
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Bailey Creek : Bailey Creek- Consession Rd. 8 ( North of County rd. 1)
Observed on
Clear, mid flow gravel, small stones on bottom. 2 inc minnows (lots) broken shells. 3 inch she...
Bailey Creek : Bailey Creek- Consession Rd. 8 ( North of County rd. 1)
Observed on
clear, moderate flow. Riffle habitat lots of Yellow-brown "slimy" growth adhering to rocks in s...
Bailey Creek : Bailey Creek- Consession Rd. 8 ( North of County rd. 1)
Observed on
very clear moderate flow sediment settled on creek bottom ( from sediment beaches/discharges fr...
Bailey Creek : Bailey Creek- Consession Rd. 8 ( North of County rd. 1)
Observed on
-water quite murkey and brown in colour -can't see defined features on creek bed at all -alot o...
Bailey Creek : Bailey Creek- Consession Rd. 8 ( North of County rd. 1)
Observed on
water brown in colour and quite turbid September 21, September 22 ,Bailey Creek extreamly dark...
Bailey Creek : Bailey Creek- Consession Rd. 8 ( North of County rd. 1)
Observed on
dragon fly fast moving, very murkey swamp milkweed
Bailey Creek : Bailey Creek- Consession Rd. 8 ( North of County rd. 1)
Observed on
Water clear, slow moving lots of weeks, minnows silty Dragonflies, butterflies
Bailey Creek : Bailey Creek- Consession Rd. 8 ( North of County rd. 1)
Observed on
slow moving alot of vegetation growing relatively clear silt/rock mix alot of minnows present...
Bailey Creek : Bailey Creek- Consession Rd. 8 ( North of County rd. 1)
Observed on
Water clear, slow moving in general quite "silty" some woody debris some "plant" growth on bo...
Bailey Creek : Bailey Creek- Consession Rd. 8 ( North of County rd. 1)
Observed on
more bank erosion. very silty. moving fairly quickly two Tundra Swans