Perch Creek Headwaters

Perch Creek

Ontario, Canada

This site is located as close to the headwaters of Perch Creek as we can viably get to. Test samples are taken just before the culvert that allows the creek to pass under Monck Road.

Location created by
Meagan Coughlin

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Creek is calm, very little current. 1 water beetle and 1 water strider. 3 green frogs, 1 leopard frog, lots of submergent vegetation

31 Aug 14:00 by Meagan Coughlin

One green frog, 2 monarch butterflies, many bumblebees, at least 5 water striders. Queen Anne's lace, chicory and cattails doing well.

15 Aug 11:30 by Meagan Coughlin

Four water striders, submergent vegetation not present during last trip.

03 Aug 14:20 by Meagan Coughlin

Water flowing very fast, many goldfinches heard, caddisfly larvae still present, many other smaller larvae clinging to rocks on stream bottom.

21 Jul 14:10 by Meagan Coughlin

Caddisflies and other larvae on bottom of creek bed, 2 ebony jewelwings, spittlebugs, red-eyed vireo, crow, female yellow warbler, 1 leopard frog. Cabbage white and monarch butterflies spotted, cow vetch in bloom. Water in ditch alongside road (not flowing but present), current faster than last visit.

28 Jun 13:30 by Meagan Coughlin

Caddisfly larvae (several large and many more small), snails, unknown larvae on rocks and on reeds and leaves in water (took a sample), two schools of minnow fry approx 15 - 20 strong, water striders, lots of dragonflies and mosquitoes and horseflies, 4 large minnows with white stripes on their sides (darted away before we could catch them). Two white-breasted nuthatches sighted.

14 Jun 14:15 by Meagan Coughlin

Drizzling and windy, blooming marsh marigolds, heard a grackle and a veery. Saw a single caddisfly larva. Saw approx seven small fish at site, darted away as we were climbing down bank.

25 May 17:30 by Meagan Coughlin

Large caddisfly hatch still present, no birdsong heard today, light traffic, marsh marigold, dogwood and pussywillow are all starting to grow leaves, undergrowth and riparian vegetation is growing back in.

09 May 13:30 by Meagan Coughlin

Many larvae attached to rocks and vegetation, possibly a caddisfly hatch, stream is flowing very fast but isn't flooding. Spider spotted. No birdsong, probably due to incoming rain and heavier traffic than usual.

20 Apr 14:20 by Meagan Coughlin

Water very deep and fast-moving, runoff coming from ditch alongside road, houseflies spotted, chickadees calling in woods around site.

05 Apr 14:30 by Meagan Coughlin