Picton Harbour at Mouth of Marsh Creek

Picton Harbour on Lake Ontario

Picton, Ontario, Canada

Calm sheltered harbour in Picton where boats are docked and easily accessible from the boardwalk beside the Harbour Inn. The Marsh Creek empties into the bay here from under the roadway. Tests done at the end of the nearest dock on north end of boardwalk. Water fountain in the water nearby not close enough to influence our tests.

Location created by
Don Ross

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Partly cloudy and very wind day, with no rain in past 24 hours. Just a few seagulls around. Lots of heavy weeds and green algae all over the part of the harbour where the water sits low and stagnant along the docks and walkway near the road……very disgusting looking.

06 Sep 13:30 by Don Ross

Sunny with some hazy clouds forming. No rain in past 24 hours. Family of ducks swimming along and some dragonflies around. Lots of heavy weeds and green algae as always found here. The conductivity, which was so extremely high when last tested about a month ago, was back into the normal range again. Tested multiple times in various spots today to ensure it was OK and all readings consistent.

31 Jul 13:35 by Don Ross

Sunny and windy day with no rain in past 24 hours. No wildlife to be seen or heard. So much green algae and disgusting looking stagnant water and heavy brown weeds under the surface. The conductivity was “ Off The Charts “ at 741 and took it multiple times to be sure it wasn’t a mistake…it wasn’t! Have never had such a high reading in the 5+ years we’ve been testing at any location. Will report to Quinte Conservation in case this is something they want to follow up on.

02 Jul 13:35 by Don Ross

Sunny calm day with no rain in past 24 hours. No signs of wildlife today.

25 May 13:45 by Don Ross

Overcast day with no rain in past 24 hours. Few ducks and seagulls on the water and in the air. Ice off other than further out in the harbour where some thin ice remains. Garbage floating in the water beside the dock. Noticed a pipe flushing water/air out of it in one location of the dock that I hadn’t noticed any other times here….not sure what it is doing now? ( see photo )

23 Mar 10:45 by Don Ross

Sunny calm day with about 4 MM rainfall overnight. Some seagulls flying around. About 3 large carp swimming along the bottom feeding and many others laying dead in the water and along the shoreline. Haven’t seen this happen before…maybe a natural cycle …or not? I left message with Shire Hall in Picton to let them know of this and hope to hear back from them. If nothing else, it’s a smelly eyesore right now.

10 Nov 10:45 by Don Ross

Overcast with moderate winds and no rainfall in past 24 hours. Some ducks swimming around and seagulls in the air as well as some hornets buzzing around us. Charter fisherman I spoke with here wasn’t very happy about not catching a single fish in 2 days! Asked him if he’s seen or caught any Gobi fish that I’ve heard from others are in Lake Ontario around us now…he hadn’t…..but if fishing is getting more difficult on the lake this could be a sign of their impacts?

02 Oct 13:30 by Don Ross

Sunny , hot and humid with some storm clouds gathering over the lake now…fairly calm though. No rain in past 24 hours. Few seagulls around and lots of green algae bloom…will be nice when they get the fountain fixed that aerates the water here in the inlet along the dock. Spoke with the captain of the harbour cruise boat who was interested in the work I was doing and gave him some info to follow up online to learn more about WR.

26 Aug 13:35 by Don Ross

Partly cloudy with moderate winds. Few MM rain in past 24 hours. Few seagulls around in the air otherwise not much to see other than people and boaters. Weeds and green algae in the water as usual.

28 Jul 14:00 by Don Ross

Overcast sky and very windy. Some parts of Picton had rainfall in past 24 hours. Some seagulls around ….weeds and algae as usual here.

02 Jul 13:45 by Don Ross