Grindstone/Mungo : Kipawa Lake

Quebec, Canada

Observed by
Christina Moreau
  • Observed on: Sun, 05 Aug 2018 17:15:00 -0400
  • Testers Chrisitna Moreau, Courtney Garratt
  • Associated with:
    Kipawa Lake Preservation Society
  • Lat: 46.7986199
  • Lng: -78.6767435
pH (0-14) What's this? 6.44
E.coli cfu per 100mL What's this? 0.0
Secchi depth m What's this? 3.5
Enterococci cfu per 100mL What's this? 0.0
Water depth m What's this? 12.83
Conductivity μS/cm What's this? 23.0
Chlorophyll A mg/L What's this? 1.6
Air temperature °C What's this? 30.0
Total phosphorus ppm What's this? 3.2
Water temperature °C What's this? 25.2
Phosphates total ppm What's this? < 0.2
Total dissolved solids ppm What's this? 12.0

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E. coli and fecal coliforms not zero but below detection limits <2CFU/100mL
Sunny and warm, 50% cloud cover. Windy and slight chop on lake.