End of Hopps Bay

Hopps Bay

Ontario, Canada

The site is a soft-bottomed and muddy, sheltered wetland with high vegetation. The water is clear but shallow - some tripping hazards such as tires, a sunken rowboat, and branches from a beaver dam nearby.

Location created by
Emma Ehrenfeld

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Hopps Bay : End of Hopps Bay

Observed on

For the Secchi depth the vegetation there is so dense we can't physically see past .1m

Hopps Bay : End of Hopps Bay

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Plants: fragrant white pondlilies, SAGO PONDWEED, flowering rush, elodea, tapegrass, pickrelweed,...

Hopps Bay : End of Hopps Bay

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Birds: bank swallows, great blue heron, double crested cormorants. Plants: Pickrelweed, yellow p...