Swan Creek
Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada
Bobs Bridge - replacement site for Mikes Bridges - A bridge in dedication to Bob, founder of Friends of swan creek. Best public observation of spawning salmon in creek. Muddy banks, wooded area.

- Group: Friends of Swan Creek Watershed
- Site ID: 21
- Lat: 48.4674883
- Lng: -123.3975099
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Vancouver
Latest photos
View all photosAfter witnessing active spawning of Coho Nov.2- Dec.18/24 , a few remaining 'weathered' fish are swimming with their last energy. One was here at Bob's bridge. Passersby are full of questions re: the spawning habits etc. AND amazement that they are here in THIS creek!
Spawning season has arrived and conditions IDEAL for the 7-10 (very few) coho that have returned this year .
Note: 'Hank' the efficient Great Blue Heron 'fished' his way UP and Downstream
very low flow
One FRY rose to snap at a wee flower bud!
Nice to see 3@ 1 1/2" FRY (coho or cutthroat) swimming in pool at top of riffle.
Bonus observation of 2 Cutthroat 10" + 12" pair swimming side by side just above the "S curve' riffles >>
didn't have camera quick enough .... water is very clear.
Also clear Hoot Hoot of Barred Owl ... "Spring has Sprung"!
water level from yesterday's rain is creating the 'happy babble' that park walkers enjoy!
3 Frisky Fry rose to snow berries ... sediment from 3 weeks ago SEEMS not a factor in health of fish:)
Same note as Art's riffle >> low flow took several days to clear >> no dead fish seen
active fry in 'S' curve riffle pool ... also frisky in pool below Bob's bridge