Art's Riffle

Swan Creek

Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

At the constructed riffle just downstream of Daisy Ave.

Location created by
Roxanne van Velzen

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one fry just downstream in shallow pool/ moving water.
multiple frisky fry upstream at Daisy culvert active water.

25 Jul 09:05 by John Coates

one decent Smolt @ Daisy

25 Jun 09:45 by John Coates

Medium flow and crystal clear

28 Nov 11:15 by John Coates

Great to hear and see the babble of riffles. One more good rain and we may see our coho appear to spawn ..... Creek almost ready!

25 Oct 12:30 by John Coates

5 separate Frisky Fry 'hit' snow berry THUS relaxing thoughts of Sediment issue 3 weeks ago.

25 Sep 12:40 by John Coates

I didn't have equipment with me on site ( just out for a bike ride!!)
Very Low flow caused the sediment to remain in stream for several days. No dead fish seen!

07 Sep 16:05 by John Coates

extreme low water level

22 Aug 11:10 by John Coates

minnow 'hits' w/ blackberry 'flower ball'! .... nice sign that winter spawners have offspring (coho or cutthroat)

25 Jun 09:30 by John Coates

several fry in upstream shallow pool > tent caterpillar infestation dropping Everywhere!

26 May 13:30 by John Coates

Turbidity from melting snow runoff > same as Colquitz R.

28 Feb 12:05 by John Coates