Lily Cache Creek
Plainfield, Illinois, United States
Open canopy, surrounded by reed canary grass; many riffles in upstream part of the site, run and pools in downstream region of site. Lots of algal growth.

- Group: National Great Rivers : Winter Chloride Watch
- Site ID: R0207503
- Lat: 41.6104275
- Lng: -88.1725745
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Chicago
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View all photosDepth 0.13 m. Creek half frozen over.
Depth 0.27 m but not the same spot as depth is usually measured due to creek mostly frozen over with the exception of one riffle.
I am pretty certain there was a sandhill crane in the creek when I arrived. It flew immediately; might of been great blue heron but didn't quite match that description.
Little or no salt has been spread on roads in this area this year so far.
Seasonal temperatures, lots of clouds lately; light snow expected; very little snow and snow cover this year.
Depth 0.17 m
Depth 0.17m
Depth 0.18 m, near center.
Depth 0.18 m, near center.
The creek was very full. I could not enter the creek due to the ice shelf along the shore, under the water (too slippery). So I could not get depth. The chloride levels were beyond the maximum of the scale. Due to the icy conditions and snow on roads, heavy salting had occurred.
Depth was 0.15 m.
Depth 0.16 m. Creek pretty full. Some ice along edges and on boulders.
Depth 0.23 m; creek was full, swift velocity