Lily Cache Creek

Lily Cache Creek

Plainfield, Illinois, United States

Open canopy, surrounded by reed canary grass; many riffles in upstream part of the site, run and pools in downstream region of site. Lots of algal growth.

Location created by
John Griffis

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Only measurable snowfall was 12/22/22--only use of road salt so far this winter. No ice

17 Jan 14:05 by John Griffis

Depth 20 cm; creek full, fast velocity. Lots of rain over past 10 days. Creek had flooded; receded over the past 4 or 5 days.

05 Apr 13:51 by Water Rangers

Some ice along the bank of the stream. Good velocity. Depth 20.3 cm.

13 Mar 13:50 by Water Rangers

Depth 25 cm. Creek wide, full, swift velocity.

21 Feb 13:25 by Water Rangers

The only open water was along the north shoreline; depth 22.86 cm.

09 Feb 12:30 by Water Rangers

Depth 9.5 cm

12 Jan 12:03 by Water Rangers

Depth 17 cm

30 Dec 11:30 by Water Rangers

red tailed hawk flew overhead; depth 11 cm

18 Dec 12:32 by Water Rangers

Water level pretty low.

03 Dec 11:53 by John Griffis

Creek depth 13 cm; no wildlife; stream full -- wide but not deep

16 Nov 14:49 by Water Rangers