Lily Cache Creek

Lily Cache Creek

Plainfield, Illinois, United States

50% canopy; shallow stream, mostly runs, some riffles and small pools; log jam downstream. Illinois RiverWatch site, sampled since 1998.

Location created by
John Griffis

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Depth 0.24 m, near center

06 Feb 15:45 by John Griffis

The creek was full, high water. I could not enter. Depth at edge was 0.43m.

25 Jan 14:14 by John Griffis

Depth was 0.2 m.

04 Jan 12:02 by John Griffis

Depth 0.22 m. Creek fairly full. Ice along edge and around boulders.

19 Dec 13:42 by John Griffis

Depth 0.3m; creek full; swift velocity. 11/26/23, 3 inches of snow.

05 Dec 15:34 by John Griffis

Creek level low
pH meter read 4.6 but that cannot be correct; need to re-calibrate once I receive buffer solutions
Depth 0.14 m

14 Nov 15:23 by John Griffis

depth 16 cm (0.16 m)

31 Oct 12:55 by John Griffis

The creek was mostly frozen oven with ice except in the middle. I stupidly stepped down from the bank, fell, then slid on my butt to get to open water, sampling while sitting in ice cold water. Then I scooted back. Next time--just skipping it if it is like this.

01 Feb 13:40 by John Griffis

Only measurable snow was 12-22-22; this is the last use of road salt. A pair of mallards were observed in study area. No ice.

17 Jan 14:35 by John Griffis

Depth 43 cm; creek full, fast velocity. Lots of rain over the last 10-14 days. Creek had flooded big time. Receded over last few days.

05 Apr 14:43 by Water Rangers