Curtis Creek
Quincy, Illinois, United States
The creek runs under 28th St. just north of Cabot Rd and south of Monroe St in Quincy, IL (Adams County)
It is rarely deeper than a foot of running water. The only danger is when the creek rises after a heavy rain.
- Group: National Great Rivers : Winter Chloride Watch
- Lat: 39.9172412
- Lng: -91.3709307
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
View all photosAll ice and snow has finally melted from previous snow and freezing temperatures.
Water level is higher than usual because of a log jam downstream on the west side of bridge.
There appeared to be a log jam downstream. The flow was slow, nearly stagnant.
Rainy Spring
Creek was very low with patches of green algae
Curtis Creek was fairly stagnant and smelly with the decaying leaves.
Water flow is fairly stagnant. PPM is unchanged from Oct. 26 observation.
After a dry summer, Curtis Creek is flowing with a deeper than usual depth due to recent rains.
Light snowfall and street salting a few days ago but no significant rainfall since to wash the salt off the roads.
This is the highest ppm observation since I started testing January 9, 2021.