Bayou Keegan - Back Bay Biloxi
Biloxi, Mississippi, United States
This location has an installed Litter Gitter (passive litter removal device) on-site and will prove to be an excellent site to sample for water quality as it is frequently checked for litter on a routine basis. Sampling will occur at the start of the bayou, under the US-110 bridge in Biloxi; a smaller bridge (Crusaders Dr.) also runs over the bayou, slightly upstream from the sampling site. This bayou eventually empties into the Biloxi Back Bay.

- Group: Mississippi State University : Mississippi Water Stewards
- Lat: 30.4059332
- Lng: -88.8951659
- Waterbody Type: Bay
- Timezone: America/Chicago
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View all photosCould not get this water sample to fix during dissolved oxygen. The water level was too low for a Secchi disc measurement.