Loon Lake
Ontario, Canada

- Site ID: LL2021
- Lat: 45.0138003
- Lng: -78.374995
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
REDOX was measured at 284 mv. This is a new test for the lake.
Hydrogen sulphide 0.0 ppm
GH 60
KH 40
Turbidity decreased using Secchi disk. Voltage on new Turbidity sensor at 3.89. Nitrite and nitrate at 0 ppm. Ammonia at 0 ppm. Hydrogen sulphide at 0 ppm. GH at 60. KH at 60.
DO meter returned to MOECP previously.
New pH meter working well and calibrated using stock solution beforehand. New TDS meter working well. Used new stream thermometer to verify temps.
Nephelometer voltage 4.38 equals approx 0 NTU. THIS IS A CHANGE FROM 4.46 volts which corresponds to slightly more turbid water. But for this freshwater lake, I will accept virtually non turbid water. Surface pH was 7.62 and surface TDS was 68.
Bromine and chlorine test slightly present with Taylor strips. Doesn’t make a lot of sense but chlorides are in the lake and have been slightly increasing yr/yr. Likely due to winter salting. No real concerns at this time.
DO was 9.07 mg/L at 5 meters and 7.62 mg/L at 16 meters depth. Used the MOECP YSI dissolved oxygen meter.
Nitrate by titration between 2.5 and 5 ppm. Increase from previous reading. Not a trustworthy reading because of difficulty reading colour card. Will monitor.
Hydrogen Sulphide reading was 0.0.
Noted was slightly more algae suspended in the water.
Turbidity not electronically measured at this time due to continued development of the home made Nephelometer. I have developed a cubic quadratic equation for relating sensor output voltage to % of sensor detection range. The units in that range relate linearly to the actual NTU.
Homemade NTU meter gave a voltage reading of 4.46v which according to the equation used is slightly over 0 NTU. A new equation from a curve fitting app using the sensors manufacturer data will be tested. New AZ8686 pH meter is excellent.
Conversion to Warer Rangers test strips; new TDS meter; new pH meter
New HM Digital TDS meter used. Homemade Nephylometer in calibration process - interesting stability issues to be solved.
K value for EC / TDS used is 0.47
MOECP DO meter expected next week on loan.
Some alga visible