Ottawa River
Quebec, Canada

- Group: Ottawa Riverkeeper : Riverwatch
- Lat: 45.627102
- Lng: -76.670784
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
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water is above normal in temperature this summer and much more weed growth
Water temperature has been very warm this year and weeds are spreading along the shore more than previous years
water level is 2 feet below normal possibly because of work being done on the dam
water levels have been fluctuating by several feet each day
water level is very low and has been for past month
water is clearer than last year
water levels have been extremely high causing several boating accidents due to hidden rocks
water is very muddy
water levels high for this time of year. Snow geese and Canada geese flocking.
water level is about 1m higher than last few years normal