Lake Ontario at Massassauga Point Conservation Area in PEC

Lake Ontario

Belleville, Ontario, Canada

Location created by
Stacey Kerr

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A strong breeze off the lake when we arrived at the site today, and seasonal temperatures compared to 24 hours ago before the heat warning broke in the early morning hours this morning. The lake was very choppy, with consistent small waves breaking on the shore. Not much wildlife activity as a result, but we saw some dragonflies of a species we hadn't seen at the site in large numbers during previous visits with stripey wings flying low closer to the vegetation, and some damselflies (including a breeding pair). Definite increase in the tent caterpillar / gypsy moth presence, in the same trees as last week and additional trees too. Saw a small flock of about 5 cormorants fly by, and a couple gulls. Saw an osprey across the bay, and then a different pair of osprey near the survey site as we were leaving. Found a fish skeleton on the shore, which may have washed up in the waves or is left over from people or bird fishers. Some smashed zebra mussel shells on the rocks. Found a single bumblebee on some viper's bugloss.

28 Jul 18:30 by Stacey Kerr

The weather is quite warm today but without much humidity compared to the last 24 hours and the heatwave that started to break on sunday, and very low wind at the site. Were it not for some boat and seadoo traffic the water would be glass calm. There was some evidence of tent caterpillars in at least two trees at the site in small numbers, just on a few branches. Fewer dragonflies compared to previous weeks, mostly flying high above the site and farther from the lakeside. A family of mute swans were floating nearby, and some mallards swam by partway through our visit. Saw and heard a song sparrow and a small flock of crows, heard a blue jay call inland from the site. Heard a red squirrel respond to my pishing with chitters to get the song sparrow's attention! Saw an osprey catch a fish about 100 metres out into the lake, unsure what species but it was a foot long or a bit smaller. Saw shells along the rocks of the shore from zebra mussels. Midges and mosquito activity was present but not high. Saw an orb weaver (likely a cross orbweaver) spider building a web in a bush right on the shore. Saw some fish coming up to catch insects just offshore of the site but could not get photos or id them.

21 Jul 19:32 by Stacey Kerr

Weather has been steady in the past 24 hours, and current conditions at time of sampling are sunny, hot but not especially humid, unlike the heatwave at the end of last week. Intermittent clouds, and Lake Ontario is choppy but no whitecaps. Not much wind. A couple boats driving by at speed, with another closer to shore using the boat launch. Fewer dragonflies hunting in sky anove than previous week's observation, but still many there. A few other insects including wasps and moths and flies and of course mosquitoes. Saw a flock of female mallards swim by the site, gulls flying overhead. Singke black morph grey squirrel on mowed area next to site. Saw mussel shells washed ashore with aquatic vegetation. Highlight was seeing what I think is a juvenile watersnake with its fish prey (looked like probably a white sucker) on the rocky shoreline!

14 Jul 20:56 by Stacey Kerr

Slight breeze coming off the lake, the water is very calm. Sun very high UV and very hot weather, hardly any clouds in the sky. Swan floating about 50 metres south, likely a trumpeter swan, and a pair flew by too. LOTS of dragon flies flying overhead, many different species. Lots of songbird calls, amd a flock of cormorants flew by. Red squirrel pair are pretty territorial chirping at us as we sample. A few small boats out on the water, but they stay pretty far out. The spot is quite shallow water where I can sample safely without going into the lake, and the thermometer rests on the bedrock about 10 cm below the surface.

07 Jul 19:17 by Stacey Kerr