Talbot River at Doyle Road

Talbot River

Ontario, Canada

This site is located along Talbot River and is just downstream of Raven Lake, a shallow lake known for its marl lake bottom visible in satellite photos. Marl is a precipitate that forms on the bottom of the lake because of a reaction between groundwater and lake water. If not for a beaver dam at the south end of the lake, Raven Lake would likely be a bulrush marsh. By the time this water gets to our next site at Upton Bridge, it has merged with the cold waters of Perch Creek.

This site was monitored by Couchiching Conservancy volunteers 2015-2019.

Location created by
Couchiching Conservancy

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Talbot River : Talbot River at Doyle Road

Observed on

Eastern wood-peewee (Species at Risk), gray Catbird, Red-eyed Vireo, Chipping Sparrow