Buckshot Lake
Ontario, Canada
Buckshot Lake is located near the NW corner of the Mississippi River watershed.
The reading site is a relative still area of the lake since the inlet for this uncontrolled lake is at the north-west & outlet at the south-west.
The lake can get rough when strong winds prevail.
The reading spot is shallow at approx. 1.3m but varies considerably, sometimes up to 3 to 5 inches (0.075 to 0.125 M) in the couple of days following heavy rains.
The topography from the dock rises sharply @ a rate of approximately 9M in 24M. Trees are mostly very mature red & white pines, red oak, beech & maple.
The depth of the lake varies from approx. 9M to 33.5M
The lake was declared a Lake Trout Sensitive Lake by the OMNR in 2000.
- Group: Water Rangers : Guardians
- Site ID: 44D58'56"N / 77D4'20"W 1121 Butterball Lane, Plevna, ON K0H2M0 County of Frontenac, Township of North Frontenac
- Lat: 44.9825583
- Lng: -77.072053
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosVery gentle steady breeze
Deciduous leaves - reds-full out / oranges-mostly out / yellows-beginning to show
Conifers - approx. 1/6 of needles shed & 1/6 more turned yellow (they yearly shed about 1/3 of needles)
Water very clear as usual
Water level lowest I've seen in 18 years. Spring water level was highest in my 18 years according to some damage on shore line. I have heard that spring levels broke record hi of 2017.
No other abnormalities observed
Leaves in area in premier stage of turning colours
Water had small steady waves @ approx. 0.05M & no white capes
Water level very low exposing rocky shore line.
Weather - previous 48 hr precipitation n/a - sun & fair weather clouds
Wind-from SW 225deg - steady @ approx. 10-15 kph
Waves - 0.13M
Surface-some shoreline & surface foam (I'm told it's natural - occurs several times/yr) -a few leaves on surface
Leaves-reds gone, oranges, yellows, & oak green/browns out
Pines - reds have shed all this yrs browns - whites - this yrs have turned brown but few have shed
Weather - Overcast (minimal sunshine) - wind a steady estimated 5-10kph from 0 deg N
Last 24 hrs 0 precip. 24 - 48 hrs 0.5mm rain
Leaves - still full leaf - reds in full colour - other colours emerging
No floating debris, objects, or leaves
Water still very clear as in all other observations from here
Trees - red pines & cedars in mid needle fall, white pines yet to start (see photos)
Common Merganser Ducks - 2 of this year's offspring came by hugging shoreline & heads in water half the time - had no fear of me & passed the dock by about 1 1/2 M making quacking noises - common sight around here. (see photos)
Sun & cloud
Wind - steady & light approx. 5 kph from 240 deg SW
Rain - Last 24hrs 0mm - 24 to 48hrs 5.1mm
Foliage - reds mostly out, other colours just beginning to turn, yearly pine needle shedding in beginning stages - deciduous still have shed very little
Light breeze - approx. 3-5 km/h @ NW 335deg
Last 24hrs - 21C deg hi - 0.2mm rain
No visible floating objects or debris
Fish jumping
Foliage still in full bloom but just starting to loose chlorophyll
Steady breeze - approx. 15km/h @ 215deg SW
Last 24 hrs. - no rain - hi 24deg
Foliage in full summer leaf
No floating objects or debris
Sun & Clouds
Light breeze @ 35deg. N
Last 24 hrs. - 0.4mm rain between
Wind - 30deg N, approx 10 kph
24 hrs ago - total 10.6mm rain - 15 min. violent storm with 8.9mm rain, lightning, & strong wind gusts
Strong 0deg N wind @ approx. 20kph
30 hr ago = storm & 5.8mm rain
Waves - 0.08M
Readings off south side of dock approx. 13.5M from shore