Pelahatchie Bay
Brandon, Mississippi, United States
Watercraft launch to the inlets of Pelahatchie Bay and Pelahatchie Creek. Calm water with wetlands. Baypoint Golf Course, fishing, bird watching, boating and other recreational activities. Test from the boat ramp at the Fishing Pier parking lot, not at the Pelahatchie Bay Trading Post.

- Group: Mississippi State University : Mississippi Water Stewards
- Site ID: PC
- Lat: 32.3896015
- Lng: -89.9684572
- Waterbody Type: Bay
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
View all photosA fisherman reported seeing two chickens wandering around near the water. I saw one chicken while testing.
Part of the tree to the left of the walking bridge/pier has broken off and dropped branches in front of path to bridge.
Water was cloudy and brown.
Weather has been cooler this week with cloud cover and rain anticipated; sprinkles of rain have occurred for moments, but no substantial rain.
1st time using the new RCARDs (R-CARD ECC-A, 3 mL, exp 06/05/25)
Water clarity was better than normal; bottom was visible to about 1 m within typical sampling area.
There have been multiple storms over the past week in this area.
It would be beneficial to add a lidded trash can to this location, preferably a heavy metal trash receptacle like typically seen in parks, to prevent trash from blowing out in windy conditions.
It was a beautiful day to be out on the water and many boaters and kayakers were in the area; the parking lot was full.
Dissolved oxygen test to be repeated; addition of starch indicator to fixed sample did not result in [blue] color change, so remaining steps not completed.