Bayou La Batre
Bayou La Batre, Alabama, United States

- Group: Mobile Baykeeper : Mobile Baykeeper Team
- Lat: 30.4055001
- Lng: -88.2485001
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
View all photosBayou La Batre : Bayou La Batre at Hwy. 188
Observed on
Oil sheen. Weather is foggy; windy and humid. Not very much trash. Pair of pelicans and some smal...
Bayou La Batre : Bayou La Batre at Hwy. 188
Observed on
• Water moving slowly • not a lot of litter • saw some oil sheen • no animals •pouring down raining
Bayou La Batre : Bayou La Batre at Hwy. 188
Observed on
water is moving fast, not too turbid, not much litter, many boats, draw bridge upstream, industry...
Bayou La Batre : Bayou La Batre at Hwy. 188
Observed on
Pelican and Seagulls flying, mullett jumping, Slow moving water, looks turbid. A lot of boat traf...
Bayou La Batre : Bayou La Batre at Hwy. 188
Observed on
Cloudy, recent rain, water flowing
Bayou La Batre : Bayou La Batre at Hwy. 188
Observed on
Lots of boats at the dock. Water moving quickly. Very turbid, detritus in the water.
Bayou La Batre : Bayou La Batre at Hwy. 188
Observed on