Bayou La Batre
Bayou La Batre, Alabama, United States

- Group: Mobile Baykeeper : Mobile Baykeeper Team
- Lat: 30.4055001
- Lng: -88.2485001
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
View all photosOil sheen. Weather is foggy; windy and humid. Not very much trash. Pair of pelicans and some small birds. Water is moving but not very fast. Very turbid
• Water moving slowly • not a lot of litter • saw some oil sheen • no animals •pouring down raining
water is moving fast, not too turbid, not much litter, many boats, draw bridge upstream, industry both upstream and downstream
Pelican and Seagulls flying, mullett jumping, Slow moving water, looks turbid. A lot of boat traffic, heavy vegetation on shoreline
Cloudy, recent rain, water flowing
Lots of boats at the dock. Water moving quickly. Very turbid, detritus in the water.
OB 12.4
OB 57.13