
East Branch of Wagg Creek emerges from culvert WAG-E-06a High Priority

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

location of WAG-E-06a using zoom on web app. A green plastic storm pipe of 0.72m inside diameter surfaces the east branch of Wagg Creek. It is the creek. This is a high energy, high flow site. Field measured GPS coordinates in NAD83 are -123.0759570, 49.32744605 in Long and Lat, or UTM 494,481E, 5,463,860N

this site was active under the "Salt Project" and called 20th St Outfall

Location created by
Paul Lhotka
  • Site ID: WAG-E-06a
  • Lat: 49.3281288
  • Lng: -123.0763364
  • Waterbody Type: Unknown
  • Timezone: America/Vancouver

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For comparison, measurement also taken in mainstem. Conducivity: 538, TDS: 267/
At the time the sample was taken, it had just started to rain in the past hour after approx 2 days of no rain.
High turbidity; water appeared gray/black; visibility <1 cm

09 Dec 11:00 by Carolynne Robertson

water relatively clear, .75m visibility. currently only a light drizzle but water still discharging forcefully, splashing about .5 m height when it hits riprap

06 Dec 11:25 by Carolynne Robertson

Water is murky with brownish green cast, very turbid

10 Aug 19:15 by Carolynne Robertson

Water is coming out of the pipe but less water than usual. Water is murky, smells like metal or chemicals.
Saw water strider bugs.

28 Jul 13:52 by Carolynne Robertson

Water flowing from pipe smelled chemical/metallic, strong brown discolouration.

14 Jun 16:15 by Carolynne Robertson

Strong chemical/metal smell. water flowing from pipe with great velocity

29 May 10:45 by Carolynne Robertson