Cottage #41

Echo Lake

Saskatchewan, Canada

Faces NW, using a fock in front of the cottage, biat track to the east of the fick

Location created by
Joanne Darke
  • Lat: 50.7922661
  • Lng: -103.85191
  • Waterbody Type: Lake
  • Timezone: UTC

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Echo Lake : Cottage #41

Observed on

Can’t see bottom, very green water Pelicans on the point and a few seagulls

Echo Lake : Cottage #41

Observed on

Could not see the bottom of the lake, some debris floating on too if water, water “green” with c...

Echo Lake : Cottage #41

Observed on

Increased algae noticeable, quite green and lumpy .

Echo Lake : Cottage #41

Observed on

Calm waters, dead crayfish washed up on rocks, green flecks in water. Flock of Pelicans nearby

Echo Lake : Cottage #41

Observed on

Large and small dark coloured clumps floating on top of water. Green flecks . Calm water.