Cottage #41 : Echo Lake

Saskatchewan, Canada

Observed by
Joanne Darke
  • Observed on: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 15:18:10 +0000
  • Lat: 50.7922661
  • Lng: -103.85191
pH (0-14) What's this? 8.6
Dissolved oxygen mg/L What's this? 9.0
Secchi depth m What's this? 0.38
Water depth m What's this? 1.3
Conductivity μS/cm What's this? 1,468.0
Air temperature °C What's this? 20.5
Water temperature °C What's this? 21.5


Current weather What's this?
  • windy
  • sunny
Strong wind from the west- white caps on the water, some visible foam on the surface one boat on the water- fishing
Weather in previous 24 hours What's this?
  • sunny
Sunny, hot rained over night

Latest photos


Can’t see bottom, very green water
Pelicans on the point and a few seagulls