beaver pond

beaver pond north of Craven NE 04 21 20 w of 2

Saskatchewan, Canada

pond made by beavers damming up the stream at a culvert. The main body of water is still, with a small amount running over and through the dam to continue down stream. The water upstream of the dam is likely 2 metres deep. At this time there is pollen and small twigs floating on the water near the dam. I sampled by walking onto the dam and balancing on a tree trunk that was partially submerged.
Latitude: 50° 45' 19.638" N
Longitude: 104° 43' 8.46" W

Location created by
Hilary Ryan

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Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
21.0 Latest
21.0 Average
Water temperature °C
15.0 Latest
15.0 Average
Nitrates ppm
0.4 Latest
0.4 Average
Dissolved oxygen mg/L
12.0 Latest
12.0 Average
Phosphates total ppm
0.1 Latest
0.1 Average
Conductivity μS/cm
1764 Latest
1764 Average
Turbidity NTU
14.0 Latest
14.0 Average
pH (0-14)
8.0 Latest
8.0 Average