Lake Ontario
Ontario, Canada
- Group: County Sustainability Group
- Lat: 43.9348812
- Lng: -76.9893765
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosSunny day with moderate winds and no rain in past 24 hrs. Few small birds around in the trees.
Overcast with storm clouds around the region and sun shining at times. Quite windy at times too. A few MM rain in past 24 hours but rain can be seen coming from these clouds in the distance. Pair of loons fishing here. Green algae and weeds caked onto the rocky shoreline in this location.
Sunny with some clouds and quite windy. 4 MM rain in past 24 hours. Some green algae growing on the rocks along the shoreline. Some sailboats moored in the bay and some people along the beach. No wildlife seen or heard.
Partly cloudy and calm day with just .4 MM rain yesterday. No wildlife seen or heard today. Few people along the beach. Spoke with a young man who showed interest in what I was doing. He is a geologist from the Caribbean who now lives and works in Canada.We spoke about the huge differences we find in our tests in The County from what we find in Northern Ontario and New Brunswick, and how much influence rock structure has on water. Gave him a WR card to learn more about what it’s about.
Overcast with few sunny breaks and just .6 MM rain in past 3 days. Some people along the shore and a dog swimming. Black flies and lake bugs around….no birds today. Purple Loosestrife ( I think ) is along the shore and along the trail down to the beach area.
Sunny day with distant clouds out over the lake. Had about 14 MM rain overnight and 16 MM the day before. Canada Geese were on the marsh pond coming down to the beach, and several dozen loons were fishing and floating on the water offshore in the lake. Biggest gathering of loons I’ve ever seen, including all my time in northern and NW Ontario. Wish I had a better camera to have taken some good images, but they drifted out too far when I came down to the beach.
Sunny with some hazy clouds and very calm. No wildlife around at all.
Overcast and raining steadily all day, with a few MM having come overnight as well.
About 18 MM rainfall coming in past 24 hours, 14 of which came in 30 mins during heavy thunderstorm activity this morning. Just spitting rain lightly now, but windy and dark storm clouds around. No signs of wildlife here today….just a few folks along the beach with a dog. Lake is strangely calm in spite of gusty winds.
Sunny with some thunderclouds forming out over the lake, and medium winds. No rain in past 24 hours. Some sailboats out on the lake and some folks along the beach swimming. Chatted with a lady who was telling her young kids about protecting nature & gave her a WR card to show them when they get online . Also gave some cards to the young lady who is working for Quinte Conservation this summer at the gate here, as she’s returning in the fall for Yr 3 of her Environmental Science degree at Trent University.