Bourbonnais Creek
Bourbonnais, Illinois, United States
Water flowing through a structured channel with culverts under the roads. Minimal dangers include the somewhat steep banks, the nearby roads, & slippery rocks.

- Site ID: BourbCreek-01
- Lat: 41.1515643
- Lng: -87.8803468
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
View all photosSignifigant melting of ice on the creek. Very sunny and temperature is much warmer.
Quantab units reached 9.4 on the high-value tabs, indicating that the Cl- value is greater than 6852 ppm.
Measurement is actually 6852+ ppm Cl-, but the field doesn't allow or a higher measurement than 5000 ppm Cl-.
This value was duplicated for verification purposes. Another reading earlier at 4:00 PM read 9.2, which maxed out even the high-value Quantab strip's conversion chart. Photos attached.
LOTS of salt added to roads for this storm.
Coldfront approaching with snow on the forecast tonight. Lots of salt just put down on the roads.
almost all the snow has melted, the creek completely thawed, fast water flow in creek and from drainage pipe
Most snow has melted, lots of salt on ground, most of the creek is frozen, some areas are completely thawed. Quantab unit 7.8; higher than scale.
Quantab unit 8.8; 2" of ice on surface of creek, covered with snow.
Quantab units maxed out; 10+. ppm higher than 619.
Quantab units maxed out; about 9.3. ppm higher than 619.
lots of salt visible on roads this AM
Quantab reading maxed out; higher than 10.