Bourbonnais Creek
Bourbonnais, Illinois, United States
Water flowing through a structured channel with culverts under the roads. Minimal dangers include the somewhat steep banks, the nearby roads, & slippery rocks.
- Site ID: BourbCreek-01
- Lat: 41.1515643
- Lng: -87.8803468
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
View all photosMost snow has melted, lots of salt on ground, most of the creek is frozen, some areas are completely thawed. Quantab unit 7.8; higher than scale.
Quantab unit 8.8; 2" of ice on surface of creek, covered with snow.
Quantab units maxed out; 10+. ppm higher than 619.
Quantab units maxed out; about 9.3. ppm higher than 619.
lots of salt visible on roads this AM
Quantab reading maxed out; higher than 10.
light rain for past ~18 hrs, creek no longer frozen, water flowing well from both pipes
Lots of ice frozen over
Water not flowing in the creek, stagnant all along the site. Observed lots of algae growing in the stream, also saw several decent sized fish. Sample collected by Dr. Carrigan with student Amy Johnson. Quantab units 2.2; 58 ppm Cl.