Canon Creek
Ontario, Canada
46.591654 -84.343168

- Group: NORDIK Institute/SSMRCA : Sault Ste. Marie Water Rangers Team
- Site ID: SSM-08
- Lat: 46.5915743
- Lng: -84.3430281
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
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The creek is not moving. The vegetation is still thick but the sample site can be accessed from both sides now.
Falls colours start to appear. Uneven ground is hidden by tall grass.
Summer weather at the end of September!
Watch for road traffic.
Oil sheen wasn’t present in last 2 visits. Suspect the rain fall event prior those visit might have flush the creek of contaminants which might be introduced by the upstream quarry business.
Creek would be near impossible to reach due to the thick brush on both side. Neighbor keep a path mowed for access
Not much change since last visit. Testing site is tucked in heavy brush downstream of bridge.
Lots of frogs! The creek is surrounded by heavy brush. A downstream neighbour has mowed a path for water rangers.
Previous monitoring left a film instrument, which wasn’t present this time. Lots of frogs in the vicinity.
Late monitoring, dusk conditions create hazards
The water is not moving, the oily sheen looks like from nutrient decomposition. That is most likely the odour. The creek is so overgrown, it can not move. The other side of the bridge has been cut down and there is debris everywhere. The water can not move through the debris.
The plants have overgrown so the sample on the left bank. Cut through the people's yard to the only opening by the creek. There is lots of bugs - wear bug spray. There is a stinging nettle in the field watch your feet and ankles. They could cause a reaction if rub up on them.
The odour of decomposition.
Lot more vegetation, frogs and other species. Can enter from left side of the private property but with permission.
Lots of vegetation around the monitoring location. Ask permission to enter from the private property from the left side.