Root River
Ontario, Canada
46.562881 -84.281416

- Group: NORDIK Institute/SSMRCA : Sault Ste. Marie Water Rangers Team
- Site ID: SSM-02
- Lat: 46.5629144
- Lng: -84.2812943
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Toronto
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The water was shallow. Just starting salinity baseline for this area. There was a abundance of algae, still thriving on top of the Iron oxide bacteria. The rocks are very unstable , and I personally fell twice. The rain has eroded underneath the rocks and made them all not secure in the ground, I recommend no one comes to this site right now.
The water is low. Iron oxide bacteria present. There is different types of algae but can not identify. The rocks are unstable, and dead foliage is on the rocks making it hard to see the ground or rocks.
The water is still and not moving. Detritus is accumulating. The rocks were unstable, be aware of unstable rocks and falling. Take care.
The water is still and not moving at all- Tried to get actual flow measurement but couldnot accomplish. There is a abundance of Iron oxide bacteria present along the waters edge. There are photos to show the ornage hues at the substrate. Slippery Rocks on walk down to sample site.
conductivity is high but water level is lower than past weeks. evidence of iron oxide bacteria, bacteria film(oily sheen). The rocks were slippery from the morning dew.
There was a bobber and lure wrapper at the site indicating someone was trying to fish. Documented physical characteristics(substrate, canopy etc) before fall begins. The rip rap on the walk to the sample site are unstable- the rocks by the site are unstable.
There was a bobber and lure wrapper at the site indicating someone was trying to fish. Documented physical characteristics(substrate, canopy etc) before fall begins.
The rip-rap on the walk to the sample site is unstable- the rocks by the site are unstable.
The water was very still and barely moving- flow(discharge rate) in two areas - the left bank was faster compared to the center and right bank. The water seemed lower than would have been expected with rainfall. The vegetation has been cut back so it is easier to access, the rocks were very slippery but the visibility of rocks and footing was great due to the vegetation cutting.
Watch your steps on big boulders.
Overgrown plants, grass, wildflowers, invasive species, nightshade.
The down to the water was difficult. The rocks were unpleasant to balance on.