Cold Water Creek
Rankin Location Indian Reserve 15d, Ontario, Canada
46.563269 -84.277952

- Group: NORDIK Institute/SSMRCA : Sault Ste. Marie Water Rangers Team
- Site ID: SSM-01
- Lat: 46.5636057
- Lng: -84.2783117
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Toronto
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The water temperature was colder than other sites but the meter did not drop even after 5 minutes. DO measurement was taken but the comparison chart said 11 although when changed in a different direction its looks 9. Using the steps given having it face on it would be 11 but in actual closer to 9 shown by aquatroll. The site was moved approximately 10 m upstream from a culvert.
Dead grass blocks seeing the path- watch steps.
There is very alive algae feeding off what looks like iron but its coming out of a stump of sorts. See photos. There is a few patches of algae and Elodea canadennis. The rocks are slippery by the site. The vegetation is still high and burrs get on everything.
Water was low and the flow of the water has visually increased towards the culverts. There is some algae that is growing and an aquatic plant I am not familiar with. It would be beneficial to know someone who we can ask about algae species. Watch your step through the vegetation and by the sample location. The rip rap is slippery and some are unstable.
The grass around the culvert is down and the woody debris has been removed that the beaver had built up in May. Now the culvert is pulling in water at a faster rate. The water is surging because of the two culverts not because of water level. Watch your step through the vegetation and look for unstable walks and uneven ground.
There is large amounts of healthy algae upstream approx 4 metres from the sampling locations. Pictures were taken underwater for PWQMN - use these to identify algae species. Watch your step through the high vegetation.
Need to look at pH - is it dropping? Conductivity has been high for a few weeks. Can not see the ground through the vegetation.
There is aquatic plants growing upstream of the site. There is algae present on the left bank 15 feet upstream from the sample site. Three noticeable evergreen's that are dying, they are along the riparian beside a larger tree that a beaver has cut down
The flow is very fast below the sample site on the other side of the culvert- which has a sand bottom. Fish were seen upstream by the dead trees in a pool on the left bank.
The site is overgrown with vegetation watch your step as the ground is uneven. beware of snakes.
The water seemed low for such a high rainfall event. Potentially water is still moving through the system. The conductivity seemed high- might want to check the water depth for comparison. Conductivity may have increased due to evaporation. There was snake mortality by the sample site looked like a natural occurrence, possibly a bird. Vegetation overgrown, can not see the path so watch footing. The rip rap by sampling site is slippery and there is wood debris present from beaver action in May. Watch your step.
There were scuddles or small shrimp on the banks- see pictures. There are three evergreens that were alive at the beginning of the seasonal and now have turned red. There are other red evergreens that I have spotted. Questioning if they were hurt overwintering in warm weather or if there is potential other reasons for this anomaly.
Lots of Foliage be careful and watch for Cows parsnip which can cause itchiness. Long grasses make it hard to see the uneven ground.
Overgrown vegetation on the path. Aquatic vegetation presents common waterweed and some grass. There were larvae maybe caddies or midge.
Overgrown vegetation on the path to the sampling location. Be aware of cow parsnip and possibly ticks.
Odour of Culvert decomposition.