Salt Creek Park Forest Preserve

Salt Creek

Wood Dale, Illinois, United States

Located at the Salt Creek Park Forest Preserve in Wood Dale, Illinois
Typically slow moving creek
Samples taken from the bridge over the Salt Creek just East of Addison Road.

Location created by
Tom Kubica

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Overcast. Rained overnight. Creek high and flowing faster than normal.
Wildlife observed: Dead skunk, 6 Canadian Geese, 1 Red-bellied woodpecker, 1 Blue Jay, 1 Black Capped chickadee, 2 Northern cardinals.

26 Feb 10:34 by Tom Kubica

Ice on Creek edges. Middle open. Windy.
15 Mallard Ducks.
62 Canadian Geese

22 Jan 10:28 by Tom Kubica

112 Canadian geese, 1 Red-bellied woodpecker, 2 Bluejays. 7 Squirrels.

A lot of branches and debris up against the North side of the bridge.

18 Dec 13:53 by Tom Kubica

A lot of debris clogging the North side of the bridge.
Wild Life spotted: 3 Canadian Geese, 1 Dark Eyed junco, 2 House sparrows, 2 American robins.

13 Nov 19:46 by Tom Kubica

Water levels down from previous weeks. Tree that had fallen over West side of bridge has been removed. 1 large log still in water up against bridge.
Saw 8 squirrels.
1 - Double Crested cormorant, 1 = Great Blue heron, 1 - Red-tailed hawk, 3 - Blue jays, 1 - Black-capped chickadee, 2 - Red-bellied woodpeckers, 3 - American Robins, 1 - Northern cardinal, 2 - Song Sparrows, 4 - Red-winged blackbirds.

24 Apr 11:44 by Tom Kubica

Windy rainy Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Arrived at bridge test site but tree had fallen over bridge denying access to middle of bridge, the water sample site. Water sample was taken from the West bank of the creek 50 feet North of the bridge. Sample obtained from the middle of the creek.
First test and retest showed 210 ppm chloride.
Saw 1 - Mallard duck, 1 - Red-bellied woodpecker, 1 - Northern flicker, 3 - Blue jay, 1 - Black-capped chickadee, 3 - American robins, 2- House sparrows, 1 - Song sparrow, 3- Red-winged blackbirds.

17 Apr 11:20 by Tom Kubica

Very nice day. Water still higher by the bridge and flowing faster than normal. Surrounding land is not underwater .
Saw 3 Red-bellied woodpeckers, 1 Hairy woodpecker, 2 Northern Flickers, 1 Blue jay, 1 Brown creeper, 6 American robin, 4 Song sparrows, 1 Red-winged blackbird, 2 Northern cardinal. Heard Chorus frogs. Insects are now out as well.
1 Squirrel.

10 Apr 14:04 by Tom Kubica

Highest and fastest water yet encountered over this measurement period. All ground areas soaked.
Saw 2 Blue jays, 9 male Mallard ducks, 1 Male Cardinal, 1 Robin, 1 Black capped Chickadee, 1 Song sparrow.

03 Apr 12:31 by Tom Kubica

Sunny, chilly windy. Cumulus clouds. Path and grass wet from rains on Tuesday.
Deer prints near bridge.
Saw 3 Squirrels, 1 Red tailed hawk, 1 Eastern Phoebe, 2 Canadian geese, 2 Mallard ducks, 4 Robins, 1 Cardinal, 1 Golden crowned kinglet, 1 Northern Flicker, 1 Hairy woodpecker, 4 Red-bellied woodpeckers, 2 Blue jays.

27 Mar 11:47 by Tom Kubica

Sunny but windy. Wildlife: 4 Squirrels. 1 Red Bellied Woodpecker, 17 Robins. 2 Turkey vultures.

20 Mar 11:42 by Tom Kubica