Box Lake Dock

Box Lake

British Columbia, Canada

Water sampling is done from the dock

Location created by
Rick and Janice Hogg

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Box Lake : Box Lake Dock

Observed on

there were about 12 people plus that were icing in 3 different spots. they were catching fish. ...

Box Lake : Box Lake Dock

Observed on

There were a few more tree down that had been on the road, don't remember any wind recently, mayb...

Box Lake : Box Lake Dock

Observed on

about 60 coots, one dipper and one songe bird Disappointed that there was dog feces on the doc...

Box Lake : Box Lake Dock

Observed on

One boat with two people fishing. On September 25th there was a bad wind storm in the area aro...

Box Lake : Box Lake Dock

Observed on

Yellow jacket Blue dragon fly Fish jumping Osprey Bald eagle Duck - 4 Loons - 2 Paddle boa...

Box Lake : Box Lake Dock

Observed on

very few campers yellow jackets heard loons 2 robins bald eagle blue dragon flies carpenter...

Box Lake : Box Lake Dock

Observed on

2 loons, 1 bald eagle 1 bush with curled leaves from a bronze coloured beetle type bug, it also ...

Box Lake : Box Lake Dock

Observed on

Fishing jumping, eagle and osprey fishingloo, lily pads out onsoutheast end of lake. Park Hosts ...

Box Lake : Box Lake Dock

Observed on

3 osprey hunting lots of swallows eating bugs over the water campground improvements camper ar...

Box Lake : Box Lake Dock

Observed on

no ice on the lake a couple of campsites were leveled and large tree stump was pulled out from t...