Tawatinaw River - Town of Athabasca

Tawatinaw River

Athabasca, Alberta, Canada

This location is North of the Highway 55 overpass and about 200 metres south of the confluence with the Athabasca River.

Location created by
Lisa Allan

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The water upstream was relatively clear. There was an earthy smell to the water.

There is a shopping cart just upstream from the tree. :-(

09 Aug 15:55 by Lisa Allan

The Athabasca is high, so there is back flow from it moving upstream on the Tawatinaw. The water is still significantly lower compared to last year at this time.

The riparian plant growth looks good, with some of the planted willows looking better than they have in previous years.

We continue to see the Styrofoam ball pollution in the area. There is some gravel under the bridge washing out upstream from the site.

06 Jul 16:20 by Lisa Allan

There was some brown scum collecting along the banks and at the tree in the river.

There is a pollution event occurring at this site and further upstream. There are small styrofoam balls littered along the banks. They are likely being washed downstream into the Athabasca when the water levels are high or there is heavy rain.

No evidence of wildlife at the site.

11 Jun 17:20 by Lisa Allan

Low water levels. Some ice is still present under the bridge. Smell of manure. Water opaque. Can't see bottom. Estimate of 30cm for water depth.

29 Apr 13:50 by Lisa Allan

The testing area has now frozen over. There is below-average snowpack in the area. The center channel of the Athabasca River is still open water.

02 Jan 14:30 by Lisa Allan

The river was partially frozen.

29 Nov 15:45 by Lisa Allan

The water level is very low. The water looked clear to cloudy.

04 Nov 16:00 by Lisa Allan

The water level was significantly different than previous tests. The water was relatively clear steadily flowing.

26 Sep 16:27 by Lisa Allan

The river was slightly high, the Athabasca was also somewhat high.

28 Aug 18:49 by Lisa Allan