Hodge Brook at Fox Corner Nature Reserve

Hodge Brook

Surrey, United Kingdom

The test site was just below a bridge on the main path through the nature reserve. The stream is accessible here as the bank vegetation is kept short on the western side.
The water is moving quite fast, but it is a narrow stream and not dangerous.

Location created by
Philippa Mitchell

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Hodge Brook : Hodge Brook at Fox Corner Nature Reserve

Observed on

small brown and black bits of vegetation floating under surface, water much browner than expected...

Hodge Brook : Hodge Brook at Fox Corner Nature Reserve

Observed on

Very slight smell of petroleum. Water had been much higher in recent days

Hodge Brook : Hodge Brook at Fox Corner Nature Reserve

Observed on

Water on higher side of average, fairly brown and cloudy.

Hodge Brook : Hodge Brook at Fox Corner Nature Reserve

Observed on

cloudy with a muddy smell. murky red-brown. higher than normal, but had been higher

Hodge Brook : Hodge Brook at Fox Corner Nature Reserve

Observed on

Reddish brown, fast flow but not surging or in flood. High silt content, but been higher in rece...

Hodge Brook : Hodge Brook at Fox Corner Nature Reserve

Observed on

Water a bit silty so did not appear clear in the stream. Collected water was quite clear. Have h...

Hodge Brook : Hodge Brook at Fox Corner Nature Reserve

Observed on

A small stream that drains the north side of the Pirbright Ranges through the village of Pirbrigh...