Compton Common: Stream that passes through pipe under path (East side)

Stream at Compton Common

Farncombe, Surrey, United Kingdom

Water is moving but more slowly than the previous weekend. Maximum depth ~9".Evidence of silt. Water is clear to the bottom of the stream.

Location created by
Trevor Murrells

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Stream at Compton Common : Compton Common: Stream that passes through pipe under path (East side)

Observed on

The stream is starting to turn into a pool. In the summer of last year the stream disappeared.

Stream at Compton Common : Compton Common: Stream that passes through pipe under path (East side)

Observed on

Some dead leaves at the bottom of the stream, near the banks. The water level was above average.

Stream at Compton Common : Compton Common: Stream that passes through pipe under path (East side)

Observed on

The water level was about a third to a half way up the pipe. Upstream, now the vegetation has die...

Stream at Compton Common : Compton Common: Stream that passes through pipe under path (East side)

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This stream has returned to the level (depth & flow), after the recent rainfall, seen in the spring

Stream at Compton Common : Compton Common: Stream that passes through pipe under path (East side)

Observed on

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