Tod Creek
Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada
Short walk to site behind garden beds; bank is steep in places and slippery to access water, dip bottle needed to collect water samples at low water season

Location created by
Winona Pugh
- Group: Friends of Tod Creek Watershed : Water Quality monitoring
- Site ID: behind farm
- Lat: 48.5522027
- Lng: -123.4469039
- Waterbody Type: Stream
- Timezone: America/Vancouver
Latest photos
No photos uploaded.
site not tested due to heavy construction activity in area
water brown, pond weed at bridge
water above staff gauge
very little water below bridge
Secchi depth reading of 36 meters changed to 0.36 meters by admin (
water thick brown colour, little movement
thick rust colour
small black bear
thick rust colour
small black bear