Red Barn Bridge

Tod Creek

Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada

Bridge to Tod Flats, dip net needed to collect water samples

Location created by
Winona Pugh

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e-coli 260mnp

16 Dec 09:55 by Winona Pugh

e-coli 260mnp

16 Dec 09:55 by Winona Pugh

swans have arrived on Tod Flats

29 Nov 10:00 by Winona Pugh

water level too low to sample

01 Nov 09:45 by Winona Pugh

not enough water to sample

30 Sep 13:55 by Winona Pugh

not enough water to sample

13 Aug 14:45 by Winona Pugh

not enough water to sample

31 Jul 12:45 by Winona Pugh

Water too oily and stagnant too safely test

30 Jun 10:21 by Winona Pugh

oil scum

30 Apr 14:20 by Winona Pugh

thick oil slick, flow too low to measure, water brownish colour,

27 Nov 13:50 by Winona Pugh