Lohr Road Bridge

Tod Creek

British Columbia, Canada

North side of Lohr Road; staff gauge on south side

Location created by
Winona Pugh

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water murky
e-coli 727mnp

16 Dec 09:10 by Winona Pugh

reading for October

01 Nov 09:23 by Winona Pugh

1"- 2" gravel on North side of bridge -most likely water surge relocated gravel bed from South side

24 Mar 10:30 by Winona Pugh

1" -2" gravel on north side most likely water surge has relocated from south side of bridge

24 Mar 10:30 by Winona Pugh

only able to access side of pool

27 Dec 14:05 by Winona Pugh

small trickle of water, unable to use secchi tube

29 Sep 01:08 by Winona Pugh

water level too low to measure on staff gauge

27 Aug 11:00 by Winona Pugh

measurements taken from south side of bridge due to low water level

27 Jul 10:19 by Winona Pugh

good flow creek is clear

25 Jun 10:10 by Winona Pugh

staff gauge 4.8

22 Jan 13:35 by Winona Pugh