Cornwall Island North Shore

St. Lawrence River

Ontario, Canada

Mouth of a small creek, deceptively deep as it is used as a boat passageway. Rocky and silty bottomed, high vegetation in and around the water.

Coordinates: 45.011009 -74.701574

Location created by
Emma Ehrenfeld

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Fish: Alewife, yellow perch, bluntnose minnow, rock bass, round goby, blackchin shiner, mimic shiner.

Birds: Belted kingfisher.

Plants: Willow trees, coontail, tapegrass, Eurasian milfoil, cladophora algae, elodea, sago, dogwood, jewelweed, POISON IVY, star grass, bullrush, fragrant white waterlilies, phragmites, purple loosestrife, American groundnut, richardsons pondweed, arrowhead, Nito algae.

Invertebrates: Virile crayfish, caddisflies, damselflies, zebra mussels, marsh ramshorn.

Invasive species: Nito, phragmite, purple loosestrife, zebra mussels, round gobies.

22 Aug 09:57 by Emma Ehrenfeld